Catholics and Christians are different? Really?I grew up in a Catholic household. It was not a real strict Catholic household, but it was a very religious household, and was taught that Catholics are Christians. We were required to sit in frront of a big Jesus painting and pray when things were going bad. We made our first communion like all of the other little Jesus drones, and at one point in my life I was attending classes to get "confirmed". I was not sure what I was getting "confirmed" as, but I liked attending the classes because my girlfriend, at the time was attending also. 15 year old hormones will make you do strange things.
Later in life, at the old age of 18, I had learned more about the bible and realized the Catholics had gotten it wrong, but try telling them that. All those years of prayers and "creeds" being burned into my head were being proved blasphemous with each bible verse I read.
What kind of idol worshiping cult was I born into?
Thinking I knew the truth I decided to seek out other means to feed my spritual growth, which lead me to the Four Square Gospel in Albuquerque, New Mexico. A Pentecostal Church where I decide to get saved. What I was being saved from I was not sure, but I was sure I would burn in hell for whatever it Was.
So, I decide to make the wise choice, I gave my life to Jesus, and from what they were telling me Jesus was happy about that.
God loves a good winner!"Preach!", they said. "All are called to preach the word of God! If you have a light you don't put it under a basket, but you display it for all to see!"
So I did. I became a preacher for God. I didn't go out and start my own church or anything, but i hit the streets of Albuquerque, and surrounding areas, and I preached! I told everyone I encountered about the soul saving blood of Jesus Christ, and how they too could have this new found salvation. I warned people of hell fire, and even worse, being seperated from God for all eternity.
God hates a researching Christian (wow, lighting bolts didn't comedown and get me... yet!)It is very easy to "stay" saved when you are a new convert. I believed that "Jesus was coming back tomorrow, and the time for salvation is now!" Awwww, to be young and on fire for God. Those were the days.
In between bible studies and long nights of handing out religious tracts I started learning more about geology and the actual age of the world we live in. The Christian church is taught me that the world is only about 6000 years old and entering the 7th millennium which will trigger the apocalypse and pave the way for the lord Jesus Christs return.
I remember handing people tracts that claimed carbon dating was inaccurate. I do not believe that anymore.
After studying more and more about the earth, animals, fossils, oil, and waterfalls I came to the conclusion that the world is much older than the Christian church is teaching its followers.
Well, I no longer consider myself a Christian, and I was just wondering how many people out their consider themselves Christian.
Are you a Christian? Which denomination?